Tuesday, 12 February 2008

What the mind feels when the brain thinks!!!

The letters, words and sentences that are going to escape from this fingertip will present a great fight – a fight between the intellectual and the emotional; the mind and the brain. Yes, here is an attempt to draw the outline of that fight with the greatest symbols that man has ever discovered-the letters. The world of letters, if it was not there, the situation would have been really miserable.

This may be the saturation point for it seems impossible to withstand….to keep the eyes, the ears and the mouth shut. But they must be shut….and that is the necessity as well as the dilemma of the hour. Though some attempts have been made….the mind is not cooperating…it is not supporting the plans and plots of the brain which are rational but irrational; reasonable but unreasonable…The mind is so sincere…..so sensitive while the brain knows how to balance. If so, then where is the problem, one may ask…. The problem appears when the emotions rise above the intellect…

Questions and muddles are not new to man…They are alive ever since the creation of mankind….But in this complex and highly advanced world the questions also have become more and more complex. The fight here is over such a question - which is more important….which is right…..which is to be followed…..the mind or the brain??? The feelings or the thoughts??? But are these questions rational or do they have some answer?? The answer to all these are to be searched out from the greatest and the only real answer in the world – the life and its experiences…!


Unknown said...

Hi merin
I think mind and brain have equal importance..because if we respond to our mind without thinking, that will be the end of it….am I right????

silverine said...

Hey Merin, thanks for dropping by and the kind words. Some good reading here!

Merin Jose said...

hi issac....u r right..we need to maintain a balance between the two...somthing not so easy..

Merin Jose said...

Thanku silverine fr ur immediate responds...

Rajeev Lenin said...

why did u stop there.........continue.......dont let it as a piece of thought.....reveal the deepest recesses of human mind.........