Friday, 26 September 2008

The Rainbow

The beauty and charm
Of the variegated bow
Made the gleaming veil
Of the smiling dreams
Fall over the eyes of
The pretty little girl.

The bow turned into
A cute smile and lighted
Her face in varying hues;
She flew through worlds
Unknown and known
With her anew wings.

“Oh! Little darling!”
She heard her mother
And the bow was gone.
No more colours and
No more glitters but
Back to the old self.

“Dreams mean work”
Chanted her mother.
Her eyes sparkled
And then on, saw the bow
Every moment in life,
Though the veil vanished!


Nirenjan.A.S said...

Thank you dear friend for writing something on that title !
You took it to a different dimension than what was in my mind.
First and second stanza has got the cuteness n charm of "the pretty little girl"
i could imagine the clear picture where the bow turns to a cute smile...The pretty girl gives wings to her dreams :) u think there was really a need to give a role to the harsh realities..mothers do guide lil children..but in this case was that unavoidable?
No more colours and
No more glitters but
Back to the old self.......old self aint always the REAL self,so i would have wished the little pretty angel to stay in her world of dreams ! a place where the bow of seven colors never lacks the unique one to portray her own life..

Merin Jose said...

yes...i took that title though the poem dint xactly deal with it directly...
since i xpanded the topic in a diffrnt dimension u r free to write another poem on the same..
actually in the poem i hav tried to portray 3 diffrnt worlds....n i think u got onli f dreams n the othr of harsh realities...n btw y should the realities b harsh always...y cant they be considered frm a diffrnt angle...